
Information Security

Information Security Policy

EOS Spain and its subsidiaries (Atram Asset I, S.L. and Atram Asset II, S.L.), hereinafter EOS Spain, recognise information as a fundamental asset of the organisation.

In this sense, they declare that its protection is a priority objective, with the full commitment to maintain the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information, always in strict compliance with the legal and regulatory requirements in force, as well as others to which the organisation subscribes.

The Information Security Policy covers all levels of the organisation and reflects the firm commitment of EOS Spain's Management to document, implement and disseminate security guidelines and requirements.

To this end, the Management defines the following strategic objectives on information security:

  • Promote the maintenance and continuous improvement of an Information Security Management System (ISMS) based on the International Standard ISO/IEC 27001, in order to identify, quantify, prioritise and address risks.
  • To provide and implement the technical and organisational measures that provide the appropriate level of security in terms of confidentiality, integrity and availability, in coherence with the needs of the business of acquisition and collection management of unsecured and secured credits; as well as the acquisition, holding, adjudication and sale of real estate assets, the regulations and standards required in terms of information security and personal data protection.

  • Disseminate this policy and the regulatory framework that supports it, promoting information security awareness among all the organisation's personnel.

  • Guarantee that the standards established in the ISMS are extended to any third party linked to EOS Spain, through the signing of agreements or contracts that include information security clauses.
  • To define the information security objectives on an annual basis and to monitor them, verifying compliance and establishing the necessary measures in the event that compliance is threatened.
The Information Security Policy has been approved and signed by all members of the Management Board of EOS Spain.

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